Advanced Materials Letters
Advanced Materials Letters (AML) is the official international diamond open-access scientific journal of the International Association of Advanced Materials. Launched in the year 2010, right after the establishment of IAAM, Advanced Materials Letters publishes quality peer reviewed articles and papers on materials science, engineering, and technology. Besides publishing original research and review articles, AML also offers discussions on various topics and facilitates discussions on highly interdisciplinary topics. The topics that the journal covers include, but are not limited to, environmental and green materials, biomaterials and biodevices, magnetic and optical materials, molecularly imprinted materials, drug and gene delivery, etc. In the last ten years, the journal has gone through a magnificent and highly achieving journey for various reasons including the unique approach that the journal has for the widespread dissemination of knowledge and information related to Advanced materials science and technology.
Our Aim
Established in the year 2010, International Association of Advanced Materials aimed to facilitate intensive discussions among the members of the community of materials science. To move forward with this aim, in the same year, the organization released its first ever international open access scientific journal, Advanced Materials Letters. The journal was aimed at making possible the widespread dissemination of important knowledge related to materials science. The association was always of the opinion that it is important for the interested people around the world to get regular updates of all the progresses made in the the world of science. Accessibility to knowledge is one of the most important factors when it comes to the advancement of any sector. Advanced Materials Letters, ever since the year 2010, has been playing a critical role in the advancement of materials to global excellence.
Most Recent Issue
Advanced materials have emerged as important players in environmental sustainability for the assessment of habitation strategies, zero-energy infrastructures, materials utilization, new innovations, green practices, etc. This May 2021 special issue is based on the “Sustainable materials & construction practices”. The cover photo of the issue is dedicated to IAAM’s Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030 to address materials research and innovation to address sustainable development needs towards promoting green practices and solve pressing international issues.