Advanced Materials Proceedings
After already taking the world of advanced materials by storm with Advanced Materials Letters, International Association of Advanced Materials released Advanced Materials Proceedings, which is another international scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed interdisciplinary scientific articles and papers. The journal serves the scientific community by publishing articles related to all the latest research and innovations that take place in the world of healthcare, nanotechnology, environment, and several other fields. These articles are contributed by hundreds of renowned researchers from all around the world and are thus, of great quality. The journal is committed to providing a forum for materials researchers, scientists, engineers, and technocrats to effectively communicate on the most important topics in the field of advanced materials. Also, by enabling renowned researchers to showcase their findings, Advanced Materials Proceedings play a very instrumental role in the sector of materials science.
Our Aim
Advanced Materials Proceedings was an attempt made by the International Association of Advanced Materials to further expand on the idea of making possible the widespread dissemination of research and materials science knowledge. After already having reached readers around the world with the first journal, a few years later, IAAM released Advanced Materials Proceedings. The journal also publishes a wide range of content related to materials science and help science enthusiasts all over the world in gaining access to the most recent progresses and advancements in the world of advanced materials. As a journal, Advanced Materials Proceedings has been quite instrumental in providing the young researchers and professionals around the world a great platform for showcasing their research, breakthrough ideas, and hard work.
Most Recent Issue
The cover photo of the January 2021 issue of Advanced Materials Proceedings is inspired from the United Nation’s sustainable development goals and International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) next decades agenda – Advancement of materials to green and sustainable world. In current time span, development of sustainable materials becoming very popular to tackle the challenges of innovations and technology. To catch up this emerging tide are a universal action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.