
International Association of Advanced Materials is a prestigious scientific publication house. The association operates within the sphere of advanced materials, materials science, engineering, and technology and publishes a number of journals, books, etc. Within a very short span of time, IAAM has grown to become a prominent publishing organization and has acquired an important place in the industry. Ever since its establishment, IAAM has been quite dedicated to facilitating the dissemination of research and knowledge. One of the biggest obstacles to the advancement of scientific world is the limited access to knowledge that people have. IAAM has always been dedicated to removing this barrier from the world of science.

Leader in not-for-profit publications

In the last ten years, International Association of Advanced Materials has emerged to be a driving force in not-for-profit scientific publishing. In fact, today, IAAM is one of the oldest not-for-profit scientific publication houses in the world. Right in the year 2010, IAAM released Advanced Materials Letters (AML), a diamond open-access international scientific journal. Throughout the last decade, the journal has facilitated extensive dissemination of scientific research and knowledge by publishing high-quality peer reviewed articles and papers on materials science, engineering, and technology. After revolutionizing the world of science with AML, a few years later, IAAM expanded its wings by releasing Advanced Materials Proceedings, another international scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles from the world of science and technology. With these world-class journals and several books, articles, and proceedings, International Association of Advanced Materials has become a coveted publication organization and has acquired the place of the torchbearer in the sphere of advanced materials.

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Disseminating knowledge and research:

International Association of Advanced Materials is of the opinion that scientific knowledge and research should be readily available to people around the world. For this reason, IAAM runs diamond open-access journals and publishes several books. With all these initiatives, IAAM has made sure that the community of materials science around the world regularly gets to know about all the advances and progresses made in the scientific world. Since IAAM does not charge any fee for people to gain access to its publication initiatives, it has created an environment of ideating, learning, and pioneering. Moreover, by providing various platforms to young researchers and professionals to showcase their research, breakthroughs, and work in front of the scientific community, IAAM is promoting and inspiring people around the world to pursue research. In the last decade, IAAM has removed various barriers that people used to face while accessing knowledge and helped them in the advancement of their careers. The organization continues to work forward in its pursuit to make knowledge as accessible as possible.

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